Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Samurai Attack

Samurai Attack is a sculpture that I created using two levels of Sculpey. One level is a more colorful, moldable version, the other is less moldable at first, and grey in color; this is level three. I also used pieces of wood for the base, some rocks and faux vegetation for the environment.

To get started, I mixed the level 3 Sculpey with a white level one Sculpey to make the clay a little more malleable. Before I am able to start putting on the clay I need to make armatures and bases for the sculptures to take form with. To make the armature I used thick wire that is all steel and have no aluminum properties. This will make it so the wire does not bend as easily while it is supporting the clay. Once the basic skeleton is made I wrap the current wire with thinner wire, so the clay has something to grab onto and stay. Afterwards I use some epoxy putty to hold the wire to the thicker wire. Now I can start sculpting. I put the clay that I have previously mixed together onto the armature and start blocking out major muscular features and large areas. Then I created the details. For the samurai sculpt, I wanted to bake the Sculpey to finish the model. Baking this type of clay turns it into a hard plastic. Its very useful if you want to paint your sculpture in the future. I was not able to bake the Minotaur since he was too large to fit into my oven.


            I wanted to put both of these characters into one scene together. I created bushes and trees around the samurai. I wanted the character to look as if he was leaping from the bushes to attack the Minotaur.

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